Category: Australian Architecture
Surry Hills Library Signage by Akin and Collider
Jeremy and I took a quick wander through the recently opened Surry Hills Library on Crown Street by FJMT. Like many of FJMT’s buildings this is a highly detailed timber and glass number with what I am told is an extraordinary cost per square metre put towards achieving ‘benchmark’ energy credentials. And while on first…
Lyons House – Robin Boyd
A few weekends ago, I was fortunate to visit the Lyons House by Robin Boyd. The visit was organised by the Boyd Homes Group – a bunch of Boyd crazies and Boyd home owners up from Melbourne for the weekend. We got word of it from Mr Dan Hill, so Antoinette, Dan and I jumped…
State Library of Queensland – Donovan Hill Architects
On a recent trip to Brisbane, I had the opportunity to take a look at the refurbishment of the State Library of Queensland by Donovan Hill. It is an addition to a building completed in 1988 and designed by Robin Gibson. Following are some notes/thoughts. Lets get one thing straight – this is a mental…
A Couple of Canberra Kiosks by Terroir
I was in Canberra (again…) the other week and spotted the recently completed kiosks on Lake Burley Griffin by SC friends, Terroir. If you have every tried to get something to eat in the vast area of the Parliamentary triangle, you will know that these kiosks are a much needed service to Parliamentary triangle. Sitting…
Canberra, Three of the Good’uns
For whatever reasons, I spent the last two weekends down in Canberra. And managed to spend a bit of time in the three best buildings down there. Following are a some snapshots. The National Academy of Science building by Roy Grounds 1959: The High Court of Australia by Edwards, Madigan Torzillo and Briggs (Chritopher Kringas…