

A Roadmap for a lowcarbon Europe by 2050, the Practical Guide to a Prosperous Low Carbon Europe has been released. The third volume of the report, the ‘Graphic Narrative’, has been prepared by OMA with the European Climate Foundation. This narrative after establishing the data goes on to reframe Europe as ‘Eneropa’ with the continent’s boundaries reshaped according to the sustainable energy industries they could potentially host (Solaria, Isle of the Winds, Geothermalia etc) all connected by a unified European Energy Grid.

Curiously, there are two versions of the report available on the site, the second of which titled ‘Version A’ has identical content to the first but omits the entire section on Eneropa. Were the new regions deemed too whacky/provocative for some audiences?

via Infranet.






7 responses to “Eneropa”

  1. Dan Hill Avatar

    And now the ‘Full book’ version isn’t even there (the link breaks, as far as I can tell). Did you get a copy before it disappeared?

  2. Marcus Avatar

    ah – funny.

    Yep I think I do have a copy somewhere.

  3. Anthony Bainbridge Avatar
    Anthony Bainbridge

    I totally disagree.

    Next you’ll tell me that Nestle are getting involved!


  4. Danny Germain Avatar
    Danny Germain

    I agree, Anthony, you’ve hit the nail on the head in my opinion, as always.

    I was wondering whether you could forward your ideas about green peace to me, my e-mail is germd001@rbwm.org

    Cheers and I can’t wait to hear from you.

    Take care and regards.

    Thanks, bye.


  5. Nick Rubio Avatar
    Nick Rubio

    Hi, I’m Greek and am concerned by the economy, how will this help, “DAN HILL”?

    Also “Danny Germain”, get your bumlick out.

    That is all.

  6. Fanny Germain Avatar
    Fanny Germain

    My e-mail is iamafuckinloser_germd001@rbwm.org



  7. The Real Danny Germain Avatar
    The Real Danny Germain

    whoever has the time to go onto a website that no one has ever heard of and do this needs to get out more.

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