Pecha Kucha Sydney is participating in a global 24hr continuous Pecha Kucha Night to raise funds for rebuilding efforts in Haiti on Saturday the 20th February at the MCA.
There will be a continuous 24hr Pecha Kucha Night taking place in cities around the world and we are excited to be taking the slot of GMT+11. 100% of the proceeds raised on the night will go directly to Architecture for Humanity, a group currently involved in rebuilding works in Haiti.
It is short notice, I know, but we have pulled together a great list of speakers to talk on the night and a fantastic venue, so I hope to see you there!
Speaking on the night we have:
Saturday 20th February
MCA Harbour Terrace
7pm for 7:30 start
Cameron Sinclair, Founder and Chief Eternal Optimist @ Architecture for Humanity writes:
Haiti Fatigue.
It’s a phrase we will begin to hear over the next few weeks. The fact is more people died in Haiti than in the 12 countries affected by the ‘04 Tsunami. Oh, and rainy season begins in 8 days. So this natural disaster IS a big deal and it’s going to get rough.
We are not the first responders, we’re the last responders and we’re in for the long haul. We estimate having teams in Haiti for 4 years but we will only do that with the financial support of others. Thanks to the amazing Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein we’re going to change that.
We are one week away from launching PechaKucha for Haiti – the worlds largest distributed conference. This will be a 24 hour Pecha Kucha (20×20 style) in more than 100 cities – with 2000 presentations. 100% of all donations/proceeds will go towards building schools and community centers in Haiti.’d love it if you got involved in some way.
More Info on the Global Pecha Kucha Night Fundraiser for Haiti
Tickets available online from Moshtix or on the door.
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