The first stage of the UTS Broadway Competition is over, and the shortlist has been confirmed. This is the first open competition in Sydney for a major public project and it attracted a great deal of interest from local, national and international practices. We were pumped, our buddies were pumped.
But now it is all over for all but the lucky six, and there seems to be no plans for an online or offline exhibition. That we had to rely on word of mouth and later actually contacting the organisers to find out what is going on is a little disappointing and there is still nothing on their site about the status of the competition at time of writing.
So, in lieu of any formal exhibition of entries, we have put together a quick online gallery of the entries into the first stage of the competition. If you entered and would like your scheme put up on the page, then follow the directions outlined on the ‘participate’ page and we will get it up there as quickly as we can. It would be fantastic to get as many up there as possible.
The shortlist for Stage Two of the competition is:
- Bates Smart
- BVN Architecture
- Cox Richardson
- Denton Corker Marshall
- Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
- Lacoste Stephenson + Daryl Jackson Robin Dyke
The list contains many very good architecture offices and no doubt their proposals will be of a very high standard, however, we had hoped for greater diversity in the list — for our international readers, all but one (Lacoste Stephenson) are well established large commercial practices — as this would have helped Sydney to move beyond the list of usual suspects for public and institutional projects. Surely the role of creating a shortlist is to accept and embrace at least some risk…
There have been some misgivings expressed about this outcome, which are being documented and debated on a discussion board hosted by Terroir. We encourage you to participate in this discussion if you feel strongly about these issues, as too often the bitching and moaning takes place in private.
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