Pecha Kucha is back for 2009 !_!
For the uninitiated, Pecha Kucha is the slidenight for creative folk, where each presenter gets 20 slides and 20 seconds for each slide. A diverse group of presenters and a quick turnaround results in an action packed night of fascinating work.
The Pecha Kucha team will be holding Pecha Kucha on a quarterly basis this year, and will be moving the venues around to keep things fresh.
The first will be on:
- Thursday 2nd April, 6:30 for a 7pm start,
- Chalkhorse Gallery
- 94 Cooper Street,
- Surry Hills.
The lineup includes:
- Matthew Huynh – Comicbook artist
- Bert Bongers – Interactive artist
- Kate Mitchell + Katherine Brickman – Greedy Hen Art Collective
- Koji Ryui – artist
- Aaron Seeto – artist, curator / director 4A gallery
- Jaki Middleton + David Lawrey – artists
- Marcus Piper – one8one7 creative agency
- Gerard Reinmuth – director, Parallax Architecture Conference
- Michael Lugmayr – Toko, graphic designers
- Hamish Watt – Architect
- Tony Curran
- Jessica Dixon
Join our facebook group for updates.
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