Fitter, Happier, More Productive

walking desks

Brad Rhoads, a computer programmer and missionary in Princeton, Ill., faces a computer monitor on a file cabinet and gets in about five miles a day on a treadmill while working in his home office.

“After a while, your legs do get kind of tired,” said Mr. Rhoads, 40, who started exercising in March, when doctors advised him to lose weight after open-heart surgery.

New York Times

steelcase treadmill

Jim Keane, Steelcase Group president comments, “Organizations interested in elevating healthy activity and productivity among its employees can install the Walkstation in a variety of ways – as part of a conference room where employees can walk while meeting, in individual workstations, or for groups of workers to share in other common areas around the office.”


treadmill desk







One response to “Fitter, Happier, More Productive”

  1. The Worst of Perth Avatar

    I can’t believe they can’t process their waste at the same time. The workstation should always be just out of reach, receding always receding…

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