Super Colossal is One


The office of Super Colossal is 1 today!

One goal set early on was to topple Joe Satriani from the top spot on a google search for ‘Super Colossal’. And so with that item ticked off, we can turn our attention to more pressing issues; such as, producing actual buildings…






4 responses to “Super Colossal is One”

  1. min dark Avatar

    marcus! maybe more important than actual building: your site and shared interest. this morning we are privileged here: to read and see and hear many aspects of david byrne and the manhattan battery great hall.
    unashamed fan mail from min.

  2. gg Avatar

    great work. Look forward to more Super C reading.

    I take partial credit for the google rank improvement as I google the title and follow the link from there every time i visit. I refuse to type that wretched cc domain.

  3. Geoff M Avatar

    Happy birthday! Can Super C legally drink yet?

  4. Garvan Avatar

    M et al,
    Congrats on the success of .ch, although, being a Joe Satriani fan from back in the day, I’ll admit mixed feelings. Wishing you continued.
    Thanks for the shout out homes.

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