Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Akira Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi Akira
Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation – Fugitive Structures
We were recently invited to participate in a competition for the inaugural summer pavilion at the Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation (SCAF) in Paddington, Sydney. Organised by BVN (moments before they became BVN Donovan Hill… but that’s another story) the brief called for a ‘Fugitive Structure’ in the form of a 20sqm pavilion in the gallery’s…
Yokoyamarama: Travel
Travel is for me, the best of Yokoyama’s books to date; it is tight, focused and is exhaustive in its depiction of its subject matter. Like the engineering stories covered previously, the book is light on plot, in this case: three people catch the train. But plot is not the point, rather the book is…
Falls the Shadow
Falls the Shadow is a new book on the National Gallery of Australia. It is handsomely designed and features a comprehensive survey of the original building including finely reproduced photography of the building and models by Max Dupain and David Moore (among others), and a thorough set of drawings. Happily, the focus is on the original Madigan…
Mashed Potatos
“Downtown Los Angeles Looking Southwest, Harbor Freeway (110) at Right” Michael Light, 2004. – Fascinating post on Wired about the plans in 1977 for the repair and reuse of the damaged Skylab space station prior to its reentering earth’s atmosphere in 1979 over Western Australia: The Skylab 4 crew of Jerry Carr, William Pogue, and Ed…
A computer backup results in all 15 minutes of the San Diego 4th of July fireworks being let off in one hit. Image Source * I watched Chronicle on the plane recently (trailer). It was pretty great, the closest thing yet to a live action Domu or Akira, and certainly the most interesting superhero film in a…
Got any book recommendations?